Dr. Juraj Hvorecky presents some of the findings of research funded by the European Union in his lecture “AI’s EthicalCategories: Are They the Same as Ours?” which aims to support our understanding of how AI categories intersect with ethical thought in humans.
The internal argumentative logic that currently forms the foundation of most neural networks is designed to be logicaland effective, or at least not petulant and self-contradictory. But humans are complex entities, and ethical reasoning is ultimately connected to emotions and behaviors, as well as intelligence. Hvorecky argues that AI networks are useful, but their scope of employment in ethically sensitive domains is still understudied.
Juraj Hvorecky is a Prague-based analytic philosopher and ethicist who works at the Center for Technology and Environmental Ethics under the auspices of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He has also worked with many UR students over the years as a beloved professor in UR’s study abroad program in Prague.